Causes of disease
There are many reasons for the decline or disappearance of chaos, with sugar topping the list.
Nervous weakness
Impaired liver function
Kidney failure on dialysis
Decreased immunity
Weakening of nafs muscles due to wrong doing
And there are many factors involved
Now we come to the part where we talk about the middle ground
The nafs spreads in a cold mood, that is, in a phlegmatic mood, because everything always spreads from the wetness, so the nafs spreads and feels bigger than before, but there is no chaos or tension.
Such a patient will be treated with dry cold nourishing drugs
Nafs shrinks and becomes smaller in dry cold temperament, that is, in dry temperament, because dryness causes things to shrink. Some patients complain that the nafs has become smaller than before.
It will be treated with hot dry medicine and food.
Nafs does not shrink or expand in hot dry mood ie biliary mood but as soon as the chaos comes it breaks immediately and does not stay. Such a patient is a biliary patient.
Such a patient will be treated with warmer drugs
If the patient is suffering from physical weakness, then nutritious food and medicine will be given
If the patient has damaged the muscles of the nafs through masturbation and wrongdoing, then the nafs will be corrected by applying ointment and ointment and the anarchy will be complete.
The therapist treats the patient according to his mood and 100% of the patients recover