


How to make a happy marriage میاں بیوی خوشگوار ذندگی کیسے گزاریں

How to make a happy marriage میاں بیوی خوشگوار ذندگی کیسے گزاریں

 Once a scholar came to a scholar. The knowledge of religion was read. She said, "My husband is very good." The lucky ones get such husbands. Allah has given me such a pious, pious and virtuous husband. But my mother-in-law has made my life hell. She keeps interrupting at the slightest thing. She does it. So he said a few words about his mother-in-law. She wanted to ask the scholar if you would allow him now. I will also answer in Turkish. Let me answer bricks with stones. But the scholar was a little scared that I might get caught somewhere. So she did what she told her mother-in-law so much that she does it on the slightest thing and does not allow me to be mentally calm. I have to teach and I have difficulty teaching.

How to make a happy marriage میاں بیوی خوشگوار ذندگی کیسے گزاریں

 The scholar asked, "Is there any favorite thing in your mother-in-law?" She said, "I don't see any favorite thing." The scholar said, "You did not speak of justice. If you look at it with justice." So you see some good in it. " She then said: "Hazrat, I do not see any good in it." The scholar said: "Look, tell me one thing. Your husband Allah has given the attribute of an angel, do you believe this?" Yes, I agree. "The scholar asked:" Who made you the wife of this husband? This was your mother-in-law who liked you and brought you. She used to find older girls who would like someone else but you. She was the mother-in-law who made you the wife of this husband. And you say that my husband is an angel-like husband. "She said," Yes, that's it. "The scholar said," Now his kindness. You can't take revenge for the rest of your life. “Hal Jaza Al-Ihsan Al-Ihsan” (Return of Ihsan is Ihsan)

How to make a happy marriage میاں بیوی خوشگوار ذندگی کیسے گزاریں

Do you know the verse of the Qur'an? She said, "Yes, I have read it." The scholar said, "Revenge for this favor that you have served him all your life that he chose you as his son's wife." The scholar said: "You have explained the matter, I will never speak loudly in front of him after today. And I will give her the status of my mother and bear everything she says. Indeed, their charity Allah has given me such a good husband. Lesson: If a person wants to understand, it is easy to understand. And if ego is made a problem then peace is lost from life, mother-in-law's quarrels are nothing but humiliation. With a little understanding, life can be lived in peace

How to make a happy marriage میاں بیوی خوشگوار ذندگی کیسے گزاریں

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