Your wife is your partner ...
1. Call her by sweet nicknames (Prophet Ayesha was called "Aash").
2. Play any halal game with her (the Prophet used to run with Ayesha) and when a husband plays with his wife, Allah loves him.
3. Treat him kindly and offer him everything that will soften his heart towards you (this is a warning from the Prophet in the last sermon in Arafat).
4. Buy gifts for it, sometimes even a toffee (they like to be treated like a child).
6. Help her with household chores. Whenever you are present, cooking, washing clothes, cleaning the room, etc. (This is Sunnah)
7. Respect her parents and give them gifts sometimes.
8. Appreciate the good things she has done for you and always thank her for it. Allah says People who don't thank me don't thank me.
9. Tell her how much she means to you, how much you love her, and how lucky you are to have her.
10. Listen to him with full attention, love and interest. And solve the problems he mentions immediately.
11. Praise him before you tell him his faults.
12. Always adorn yourself with good fragrance (both mouth and body, this is Sunnah).
13. Talk to him whenever you are with him.
14. When you're at work, say "I miss you", "I love you" on the phone.
15. Keep working with him, e.g. Cooking, eating, reciting the Qur'an, etc.
16. Don't reveal his mistake in the presence of others.
17. Teach him about religion.
18. Avoid hitting, beating, hurting him.
19. Encourage him to wear hijab, pray five times in his time, and fast in Ramadan, and pay zakat (if it is obligatory).
20. Always remember it in your prayers.
21. Be the way your wife can go to heaven.